Cultivating the 'Life Energy': Understanding Qigong

Most of us have at one point in our lives, most probably online or on the television,  witnessed the unbelievable strength of Tibetan Gongfu Monks, and the incredible healing abilities that Qigong medical practitioners possess, but not many have really wondered how these seemingly impossible feats are made possible by these maestros. 

How can an individual literally hold himself vertically up in the air with two fingers alone? How does a Chinese Qigong practitioner transfer bio-electricity from his hands to a specific organ of a patient, and even more confusing to the western mind, how does one create such incredible heat emanating from the palm that a potential spark is enabled to be produced.

The answers all lie in understanding how bio-electric energy (Qi) in the body works and functions, and practicing age old methods to allow the Qi (Electricity) to circulate to all areas of the human body using the power of the mind and intent.

It is unfortunate, that when we speak about electricity in the human body there seems to be a blank space in most of our minds, due to the current education system not even acknowledging that it exists. You should know by now that everything is energy and where there is no energy, there is no life -- energy is everything. Electromagnetic fields not only flow around us, but also through our bodies!

Another term that is used is the aura. Your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual states determines the strength of your EMF (aura). The whole planet is abound with energy and even has its own electromagnetic field which is intricately linked to our very own EMF.

We share an innate relationship with the planet, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat literally become us, the planet provides us with all the energy we need to survive optimally & infinitely, given that we live the natural way and that Earth is in a state of harmony.

From now onwards I will use the word Qi to refer to energy, electricity, bio-electricity etc., in our bodies. Qigong can be roughly classified into five major categories namely, Maintaining health, Curing Sickness, Prolonging life, Martial Skill, Enlightenment. There were two major types of Qigong training.

One type used by Confucians and Daoist scholars, who used it to maintain health and another type was for medical purposes, using needles or exercises to adjust the Qi or to cure illness. All training focussed on following the natural way. Actively countering the effects of nature was considered impossible.

While the scholarly and medical Qigong had been concerned with maintaining & improving health, the newly imported religious Qigong was concerned with far more. Religious practitioners trained their Qi to a much deeper level, and strove to obtain control over their bodies, minds and spirits with the goal of escaping from the cycle of reincarnation…

Chinese medical Qigong practice goes back more than 4,000 years ago, it is the oldest known medical understanding of how the human body functions, and most of it is based on the understanding of Qi in the human body. Ailments are treated on the basis of the understanding of the Qi pathways in the human body.

Energy is distributed in a series of complex pathways sourced from a few different origins. When Chinese medicine relates to an organ, such as the spleen, kidney or bladder, they are not necessarily relating to the physical organ but rather to a system of functions which are related to the organ.

For instance, if a patient had difficulty urinating or voiding, the culprit would be the kidneys, and an experienced Qigong practitioner will look to restore full functionality to the root of the problem, the kidneys. This involves methods to manipulate the flow of energy to them, either stimulating the body to send more, or less( Acu-pressure or Acu-puncture at the correct meridians).

In order to achieve the healing diagnosis, a few methods other methods are also highlighted for a patient seeking a healing response from their body, massage with intent, herbal supplementary diet, diet changes and specific exercises. Your vehicle carrying your soul needs also to be clear for allowed energy flow through the whole system uninterrupted, The Life force the Earth naturally provides for you!

Energy in the human body is derived from mainly two sources, pre-birth Qi and post-birth Qi. The more important to your well-being & longevity is the pre-birth Qi (which is the essence you are born with derived from the physical/ emotional/ mental/ spiritual states of your parents when they created you. Pre-birth Qi is used to counter the potential overwhelming effects from post-birth Qi (post-birth Qi is the energy you absorb from the air you breathe and the food you eat).

Air is also a form of energy, and good clean air is vital in cooling the fire in your solar plexus resulting from the food you eat and the exercise you do. Once the body is too yang, you cannot maintain full control over your mind. Another term used for pre-birth Qi - is water Qi. And for post-birth Qi the term - fire Qi.

With enough practice, water Qi is led from the lower dan tian to the solar plexus to cool the fire Qi to prevent the body from becoming too positive (Yang) – which is the single reason aging takes place. Yin & Yang are in an ever present opposition, the trick is to balance the two.

Different organs need different levels of Qi, in the same way that different machines or appliances need different levels of electrical power to function normally and prevent damage. When the Qi running to the organs is either too positive or negative, they will be damaged and more rapid degeneration results.

The ancient Chinese character for Qi was formed by two words – on the top of the word “nothing” and at the bottom of the word “fire”. This implies that Qi is No Fire. That means that when the organs are supplied with the proper amount of Qi, they will not be overheated and on fire. Something that significantly contributes to overheating in the body is fat, simply because fat is not a very good conductor of Qi whatsoever.

Because Qi struggles to go through it, stagnation takes place, and imbalances of Qi in the body results. These imbalances manifest as ailments, confusion and the scattering of the mind. Another culprit is emotion.

Emotion, especially negative emotions have a detrimental effect on your mind being able to administer the correct Qi amounts to each organ, which is why it is so important to be the ruler of your emotional mind(body).

I are not implying to become apathetic, on the contrary, emotions associated with love is the chosen feelings you need to aim for to achieve even more benefits for your physical and spiritual health.

Qigong and Food

The reason Buddhist or Taoist monks practice fasting, is mainly to subdue the emotional mind. It is believed that Emotions arise from the food you eat, remember, the food you eat has a specific vibrational rate, and your body takes on the vibration of the food you eat. The manifestation of these vibrations are emotional feelings in the human body.

Negative emotion is avoided by putting the body in a ying state during a fast. In this state the emotions are easily controlled and one can work on his wisdom mind which is related to the Original Jing. Emotions and temper are closely related to the food you eat. It can be seen that the animals who eat plants are more tame and non-violent than the animals which eat meat.

Food that generates excessive Qi in  the solar plexus usually makes the body more positive and makes the person more emotional.  This effect can also be caused by dirty air, dirty thoughts or the surrounding Qi for example when the weather is very hot. You can probably guess by this information why so many practitioners altogether avoid meat in their diets.

Benefiting from Pre-birth Qi

Understanding Jing (essence) also pre-birth Qi, internal Qi energy and shen(spirit) is one of the most important requirements for effective Qigong training. The Qi and the blood are very closely related, where Qi goes blood flows.

It is believed that Qi provides the energy for the blood cells to keep them alive, as a matter of fact, it is believed that blood is able to store Qi. Qi channels are non-material and cannot be observed as physical objects. Pre-birth Qi  (Jing)  or essence(the chinese people believe that the sperm or semen is the refined and most essential product of a man) resides in the external kidneys(gonads), crown jewels or testicles.

It is the main source of the Qi which fills up the 4 major Qi vessels in the legs. Jing may be considered the primal sunstance or original source from which a thing is made and which exhibits the true nature of that thing, ironically also, sperm in Chinese means sons-of-essense.

Water Qi comes from converted Original Jing which you received before your birth. Fire Qi is drawn from the food and air we take in. Fire Qi brings the body into a positive (Yang) state, which stimulates the emotions and scatters and confuses the mind.

When the water Qi cools the body down, the mind will become clear, centered and neutral. The residence of the post birth Qi is the solar plexus. This Qi then circulates down and mixes with the pre-birth Qi. Together they circulate down into the governing vessel, from where they are distributed to the rest of the body.

Have you ever captured the phrase referring to sexual energy being used to energize the spirit or abstinence being practiced to offer all available energy including sexual energy towards spiritual development with the sole aim of attaining enlightenment?

These are the kind of paths many dedicated monks follow, and active practitioners of various incredible feats, unexplainable by western science. Perhaps mainly because western science do not want to let us know that we are potentially all capable of reaching higher energy states using life energy cultivation (Qigong).

Monks would seclude themselves in the mountains for very long periods away from all civilisation and distractions at attain enlightenment.

Abdominal exercises are a good starting point to leading water Qi into the solar plexus from the kidneys which stores it from the conversion of original qi or essence.

If a practitioner ignores abdominal exercise altogether, he stands a higher chance of Qi stagnation which leads to all sorts of health problems. Some of the most important abdominal exercise involve simple breathing exercises like abdominal breathing and reverse abdominal breathing.

Physical confirmation of the sound which you’ll hear internally of water being squirted from the navel area up into the lower chest wil be evidence that you are practicing correctly.

The trick is to visualise new energy from the breathe revitalising the inside of your body, and with the outbreathe, sending old stagnant energy weighing you down outwards. It is very important that the stomach is used, and the the air is felt in the stomach.

Once you are born, original Jing is the fountainhead and root of your life. It is what enables you to grow stronger and bigger. Generally speaking, it does not matter how much original Jing you have carried over from your parents. If you know how to conserve it, you will have more than enough for your lifetime.

According to Chinese medicine, you probably cannot increase the amount of Jing you have but it is highlighted that you can improve its quality with Qigong training. To conserve means to refrain from abusing your Original Jing(sons of essense) through overuse. For example, if you overindulge in sexual activity you will lose original jing faster than other people and your body will degenerate faster.

To firm your Jing means to keep and protect it. Original Jing is like the principal in your savings account in that it is an original investment which will continue to return interest as long as it is conserved.

Remember that this energy is what cools the fire resulting from food and possibly air, so if it is depleted, degeneration of the body is allowed to carry on uncontested… Conserving and firming your Jing is the 1st step for any serious Qigong practitioner.

Please understand that in order to conserve your Jing does not mean to completely stop all sexual activity, as a matter of fact they are encouraging the right amount of sexual activity, believing that it will energize and activate the Jing, which makes the Jing-Qi conversion more efficient!

Remember, Jing is like fuel and Qi is like the energy generated  from this fuel. The more efficiently you can convert your fuel, the less you will waste. What does this mean for all dietary supplements on the market that are sold to us today?

Does your immune system have to be functioning optimally before you are even able to get the correct amounts of different nutrients?

Qi & Infancy

Notice that the umbilical cord connects at the navel, which is very close to both the navel chakra and the body’s center of gravity, what you don’t realize or not told is that the baby must draw the nutrients to itself with the in and out pumping motion of the abdomen.

The flow from the umbilical cord is not strong enough, and needs the extra pull from the baby to draw the nutrients inward. After birth a baby still carries on exaggerated abdominal breathing to stimulate all the organs with energy to help them become bigger and stronger.

Once we start getting older though, you start taking in oxygen through your nose and food through your mouth. Since you don’t need the abdominal movement anymore to pump in nutrients, it gradually stops, and finally you forget how to use it. In Qigong your abdomen is still considered your original Qi source because it is here that Qi is made from the original Jing you received from your parents.

To resume gaining full benefits you should regain a practice of abdominal breathing to draw this energy into the circulation. What do you have to lose only to change the way you breathe?


A certain practice called Wuji involves guided visualisations combined with synchronising the breathe with slow movements. You may experience an internal giggle when you find out that the anal sphincture is called upon to be held tightly during practice, a simple act it seems at first, only to realize its also a muscle im sure of nobody ever exercises, unless of course you are attracted to the same sex.

Upon first practice you may be demotivated at first, due to being unable to hold it tight for long enough for proper practice. The reason this muscle needs to be tensed is to ground the root chakra to the Earth, and to create a solid platform for energy that will be travelling up the spine to the top of the crown from the huyin cavity (area inbetween anal & genital area)which is the lowest point in the circulation around the body.

When it is held tight, energy may be drawn up from gaia in the circulation from abdominal breathing which stimulates the kidneys to draw up extra available energy reserves. Another important point is to hold the tongue to the roof of the mouth, with teeth partly clenched, but not hard and fully.

This very act is what completes the circuit around the body allowing for free continued flow. How else will energy from the crown revolve back down again from the skull to the jaw which is unattached to it- teeth are conductive, and your tongue(called the Yin vessel) is believed to be specially made for this simple role to link the energy flow from the crown.

A very good reason why some people take very long to recover from a cold or flu is because during blocked-nose episodes the breathing takes place through the mouth with the tongue resting like a baby in a cottage in the underworld of the mouth. Delay of healing follows.

Once your anal sphicture is tightened, tongue held to the roof of the mouth, standing with knees a little bent just so that you cannot see the tips of your toes and meditating on energy in the lower abdomen being pulled up by pushing the abdomen out with inhalation and back in again with exhalation,  imagining the air coming in to be fresh & new, while the air on the way up with exhale is releasing all old stagnation causing negativities outcasted to outside of the body.

All the cells in the body are energized if practiced correctly, the trick is to meditate on the visualisation of energy following the breath to the inside & out.

Effect of EMF of the Earth

In this chapter I would like to highlight firstly the direction of the EMF Energy flowing through & around the earth, and how this direction affects us from different sides on the poles. Just like a North/South Pole magnet, energy flows from south to north(which allows opposite sides to attract eachother).

It is important to note that magnetic south is situated in geographic north, this means that the EMF of the Earth flows from geographic north through to geographic south , exits the planet and makes an oval loop to enter enter the planet from above the sky through the heavens back into magnetic south.

Take note that the energy at the top of Earth enters from above, and at the bottom of earth, from underneath entering the feet first.

What effect do these two separate directions have on our very own electromagnetic fields?


Due to it entering from below in the southern hemisphere, this flow naturally will make your lower dan tian (root chakra) the magnetic south pole of the body, which in turn will determine the direction of the EMF flow of the human body.

I believe this means if you live in the southern hemisphere, your root chakra will naturally always be stronger, and naturally, sexual energy and physical power will also be paramount.


On the other hand, in the Northern hemisphere the head would be the south-pole of the body and would be constantly nourished with energy from the heavens. Another important point to think about is why all major technology was invented and developed in the Northern Hemisphere?

Does this mean that it is easier to become enlightened in the Northern hemisphere? I do not remember any so called enlightened prophets from the southern hemisphere in our recent history? All from the North, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Allah, etc.

Are the prophets of the southern hemisphere just unrecorded in our history, or were the people only too concerned with their root chakra needs? Which ignores all spiritual needs?

Or interestingly, was the knowledge the South had about tales of Gods from much further back in history, debilitating to the agenda the Northern nations had to control through new age religioun.

I am myself a South African and have noticed the physical dominance of South over North in plenty of olympic sports but especially Rugby-Union, where teams from the Southern Hemisphere beat those from the North, in the North, on an annual basis rather convincingly.

The sport Rugby is all about physicality and athletic ability. The North just do not have the same power & athletic ability. New Zealand are the furthest South of the equater Nation in the sport, and if you know anything about rugby, you’ll also be aware they are the world champions, and tear teams apart with their athleticism combined with power.

Many players from the south that play in the north for a few years, do not portray the same athleticism once they’ve returned back South.

Depopulation Linked to our Qi 

The depopulation agenda by the ruling elite becomes obvious when we realize that mother earth is being targeted and not ourselves directly, yet we fail to acknowledge that something which degenerates mother-nature is indirectly also degenerating ourselves.

Our food, water & air is highly targeted at this current time, there is a reason why carbon producing fossil fuels, fracking, gmo’s, chem-trails, fluoride water, fast-food, soy, porn (Original Qi depletion of millions of men resulting in shorter lifespans according to Chinese philosophy), harmful drugs, gluten, air pollution and tobacco companies are all allowed to continue with their activities by the ruling powers of the world.

They serve an agenda for the elite, which is not only about money but more importantly for them, is responsible for millions of deaths annually. On the one hand yes, all these divisions are highly profitable industries, but on the other hand, they all form part of the depopulation agenda of 21.

Remember that you have in yourself everything you need to be a vibrant healthy individual.

Read more: How Does Qigong Work... and Benefits Of Qigong



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